Building a Critical Production Rescheduler for the Steel Industry

Building a Critical Production Rescheduler for the Steel Industry

May 2023


The short rescheduler is one of the modules within the MES (Manufacturing Execution System), a system that monitors, manages, and optimizes metallurgical production processes. The module's goal is to act as a schedule editor for critical production tasks (those close to execution), allowing for the substitution, grouping, and splitting of production orders.

At the beginning of May, we held a workshop in our Belo Horizonte office with the PO and technical leads to outline the first steps for the short rescheduler and several other MES modules. The workshop spanned two weeks, during which we defined the workflow and scope for each module, followed by ideation and, subsequently, an "MVP" for the short rescheduler.

We documented the workshop on a mural available here.


At the end of these two weeks, we had an additional three weeks to deliver the initial prototypes. These prototypes captured most of the "happy path" scenarios discussed during the workshop. The prototype is available here.

Workshop - May 2023 - digital panel

Figma prototype